Monday, January 2, 2012

Day number 2!

Ok so far so good. Looking like this year is going to be a great least so far. I got a call last night from Robin and yes we had our first walk of the new year. We met at 6 am and walked for about 15 minutes. didn't go very far because it was very COLD! I see when i got home it was only 19 degrees... I do need to find some gloves and a hat. my fingers were froze by the time we got back to the school. But I did do it and I plan to do it again in the morning. I weighed myself this morning and oddly enough since August and September when I had all my teeth pulled and by the way still waiting for the bottom partial to show up . I haven't been able to eat alot of the things good for you and have eaten some of the worst things possible but ....but ..... I have only gained 6 pounds since then. Monday Jan. 2 I weighed in at 256.6 lbs. more to come later.

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