Sunday, March 29, 2009

Now it's the end of March!

Wow! It has been a while since I've been here. Seems I get my e-mail checked and nothing else done I haven't even scrapbooked forever... Big news is that I started Weight Watchers in February and IT IS AWESOME!!! I have lost 14.6 pounds so far and it has not been too hard on me. I feel so much better I know I will keep with it till I am at the weight I want (or dream about) . Should be sometime around Christmas if everything works as well as it has been. Not much more news at this time, My brother is home from the hospital and sounds good. It will take a whole new outlook on life for him to keep going now. But he is a strong strong person and he will make it. Alot of strikes against him but like I said Hes strong. He will survive!
My daughter seems to be having some problems but like her uncle she is extremely strong. She will make the right decisions and be the better for it. I love them both so much and I hate to see either of them going throught tough times. I wish I could do it for them.
Well, enough for today and I will be back soon. Going to go make some Easter cards and maybe get back into scrapbooking again.

See ya next time.